Inflation Means Investors Need To Be Nimble and Shrewd
No magic wand can kill the inflation ogre, but these savvy investing strategies might help hedge against its ugly bite.
No magic wand can kill the inflation ogre, but these savvy investing strategies might help hedge against its ugly bite.
The Federal Reserve’s COVID-19 conundrum: a rapidly mutating virus, inconsistent public-health responses, global supply-chain disruptions, worker shortages, rapidly rising wages, and soaring inflation.
Accelerating wages coupled with interest-rate hikes could slow stock boom in 2022 as investors sort out which companies will continue delivering outsized profit.
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No skating around icy issues as America looks for signs that China wants to defrost trade differences.
Current inflation bumps result of COVID-19’s lingering impact, not out-of-control demand as many pundits suggest.
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