
AMG events and webinars enable you to learn from our team of experts and thought leaders from the financial world and beyond.

Past events and webinars

Please join AMG for a look beyond the headlines and an exploration of our 2025-2027 economic outlook.
Photo of the U.S. flag flying in front of the capital building
AMG invites you to join us for a roundtable discussion on how different policy stances support economic growth, impact markets, and shape managing wealth and taxes.
Image of the capital building
Please join AMG and acclaimed foreign-affairs author
Robert D. Kaplan for an illuminating discussion about the current geopolitical landscape and prevailing factors and conflicts that shape global relationships.
Image showing world wonders.
Watch the replay of AMG National Trust’s experts’ discussion on our 2024-2026 Economic Outlook, which took place on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
Watch this event replay discussing why Jane Austen’s novels are so enduringly loveable and important, across generations.
Why are Jane Austen’s novels so enduringly loveable and important, across generations?
Watch this event replay on “Artificial Intelligence II: AI’s Impact on Economies, Markets and Investing.”
AMG’s AI Discussions Series: Part I 10/26
Watch this event replay of “Artificial Intelligence I: The Big Picture,” featuring speakers, Lisa Calkins and Jeff Schmitz, co-founders of HalfBlast Studios.
AMG’s AI Discussions Series: Part I 10/26
Watch the replay of our October 2023 event featuring The Honorable Paul D. Ryan, former Speaker of the House. This stimulating discussion touched on the U.S. debt landscape, possible strategies and policy options to control growth of U.S. debt while balancing fiscal responsibility in discretionary spending and meeting Medicare and Social Security commitments, and the political reality of these different options.
Illustration of U.S. Capital building's dome exploding with US$ bills