Webinar Replay: Is Sitting Really the New Smoking?
• < 1 min read
- Brief: Community & News
AMG National Trust
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At AMG we strive to provide information that can enlighten and impact our client’s lives. From economic and geo-political insights, to topics personal to our clients, we look to bring thought leaders to the community that can provide insightful and relevant information. Recently AMG hosted the Ludeman Family Center for Women’s Health Research to present a virtual event about the impact that sedentary behavior, or the time we spend sitting or lying down, has on developing diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Dr. Mary Whipple discussed what we know now, and what research will soon be conducted to learn more.
Physical activity guidelines can be found here.
(Disclaimer: There are some sound quality issues at the beginning and end of the video. We apologize for any inconvenience.)
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