Watch Out World! Here Comes India
• 2 min read
- Brief: Global Economy

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India’s economy has grown at a yearly average of 7% over the past two decades. In the next 10 years, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), India’s annual GDP growth could surpass 8%.
By comparison, the IMF expects China’s growth to average 5%. If these projections are right, by 2035, India would be the world’s third biggest economic power, and investors should take note. China’s once surging growth rate has been slowing for years, and India could be the world’s next economic superstar.
There are many factors supporting India’s economic rise and potential. This nation in recent years has:
- Dramatically updated its infrastructure to better incorporate people into an increasingly global economy.
- Achieved an adult literacy rate of 78%, a percentage that is expected to grow. The nation graduates some of the globe’s leading engineering and STEM students, offering a proficient labor force attractive to companies worldwide.
- Quickly adopted wireless technology, going from very little connectivity to nationwide 5G coverage in just a few years, skipping the usual tiered progression of telecommunications.
- Created advanced digital payment platforms, making it easier for its population to be part of the mainstream economy.
- Maintained good relations with developed western nations and rarely takes sides in global politics.
Achievements aside, India faces some economic hurdles. The nation’s tax regulations have always been tough for foreign investors; its financial markets are mainly controlled by rich families. Wealth is not widespread: The business interests of three of the richest Indian families, worth about $460 billion, are believed to make up 14% of India’s total 2023 GDP.
Despite these obstacles, capital is expected to flow into India at an increasing rate as the country continues expanding its economy. To that end, qualified AMG clients have invested in private funds that have found success in India.
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