Enterprising AMG Employees Rally Team to Help Local Food Bank

• 2 min read

package of food from a food bank

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package of food from a food bank

In these challenging times when families are struggling with the economic shutdown and slow recovery, two enterprising AMG employees joined forces to rally the extended AMG team to support the Harvest of Hope Pantry in Boulder, Colorado.

In May 2020, employees in AMG’s Boulder and Denver offices have donated much needed food items (canned tuna and chicken, canned soup, peanut butter, whole grain cereal, and canned fruit) and important personal care supplies (toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, deodorant, and feminine hygiene products). The outpouring of support has been tremendous and after all the donated goods are gathered, our enterprising duo will be delivering our collective donation to the Pantry early next week.

Since 2012, the Harvest of Hope Pantry has provided healthy supplemental food and supplies free of charge to Boulder-area individuals and families that are experiencing food insecurity. Like a neighborhood market, shoppers browse through aisles of nonperishable and perishable goods, with locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables thrown into the mix when possible. It’s a safe, welcoming and non-judgmental environment where individuals and families can get the support they need.

Community has always played an important role to AMG National Trust, our clients, and our employees in offices around the country. It’s exciting to be able to do our part to help others navigate difficult circumstances.

Learn more about AMG’s community involvement.

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