Unique Educational Opportunities Through Community Involvement

• 2 min read

Logos of CU, Center for Women's Health Research at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus with woman scientist looking into a microscope

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Logos of CU, Center for Women's Health Research at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus with woman scientist looking into a microscope

At AMG we value education and seek to provide and create educational opportunities for both our clients and employees. On occasion, these opportunities bring access to thought leaders and innovators across a number of different fieldsOne such opportunity is our partnership with the Center for Women’s Health Research (CWHR). Located on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, CWHR is regarded as one of the best places to conduct research that includes women and considers the distinct but linked concepts of sex (chromosomal, biological) and gender (social and cultural) differences.

On November 11, CWHR will host their annual community event, which features prominent keynote speakers that are expert researchers and/or educators in the field of women’s health and the study of sex differences. This year’s speaker is Laurie Santos, PhD, who will speak about the science of well-being. Dr. Santos is the creator of “The Science of Well-Being” and is an expert on human cognition, its origins and the evolutionary biases that influence our all-too imperfect life choices.

AMG has been proud to partner with CWHR since 2014 to bring our clients information beyond financial education.

This summer AMG hosted CWHR researcher, Dr. Josiane Broussard who presented her research team’s findings on the impact lack of sleep has on your body and mental well-being. To listen to the recording go here.


To learn more about AMG’s community involvement visit our community page.

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