AMG Staff Cycle for Heart and Brain Health

• 2 min read

Two people riding a bike

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Two people riding a bike

Twenty-five staff members from AMG’s Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Colorado offices participated in the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s CycleNation fundraising event in October, raising more than $2,561 and logging more than 1,038 miles to support the fight against heart disease and for brain health.

“We are tremendously proud of our team of employees and their achievement. This year supporting heart and brain health seems more urgent than ever as we learn about the cardiovascular implications and risks of COVID-19,” said Emily N. Musser, Vice President, Client Relations.

This was AMG’s largest team ever in the annual event, and the pandemic is actually part of the reason why. Normally, CycleNation events are local and in-person, with the Colorado offices sending a team. This year, because the event went virtual, it allowed all of AMG’s offices to participate. CycleNation was spread over an entire month, and participants could opt to cycle indoors or out, wherever they pleased—or do any other form of exercise, for that matter.

“We had people running, walking, hiking, riding road and mountain bikes, spinning, and even doing yoga and Pilates,” said Stephanie A. Gaudreau, Manager, Human Resources, and AMG’s CycleNation captain. “Heart disease and stroke touch so many lives, but the Association says stroke is 80 percent preventable, so by participating in this event we feel like we’re taking a concrete action that will definitely save lives and improve quality of life—including our own, of course, because of the extra nudge to get active.”

Visit CycleNation to find events nationwide and get involved as a donor or participant—or both!

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